Self-Care is Not Selfish

You are precious. Your body is miraculous; it’s the most exquisite technology. 

But I know it doesn’t always feel like it’s a miracle. I know it often feels more like a limitation. 

If you feel tired, if you’re in pain, if you feel heavy, like you’re being weighed down, I feel you. Do you sometimes even feel betrayed by your own body? I’ve felt that way, too.


The truth is, the answer to your health challenges isn’t “out there.”

It’s within you;

within the body itself.

It speaks to you. The pain, the fatigue, aren’t limitations, they’re communications. They’re messages, from you to you. These communications aren’t capricious or random, they’re meaningful. Your body is saying, “I need something. I need your help. I’m out of balance.”

I’m here to …


I’m here to help you interpret these messages, step by step, hand in hand, so your energy is available for the deep and intense spiritual journey and expansion that you crave, for the blossoming or honing of your spiritual abilities, and for the experience of vibrant physical health. Because that’s why we came, the reason we incarnated into this physical reality: to realize ourselves as both human and Divine.

My holistic health coaching is the permission you need to prioritize your self-care.

Because self-care is not selfish.

When we don’t make our self-care the priority, we become exhausted, depleted, and resentful.

We feel disconnected from our inner guidance, our intuition, and our spiritual abilities because our energy is invested in the suffering and dis-ease of the body. We long for clarity, vitality, and joy.

We feel drained from the myriad of challenges and stressors that permeate modern life. We lack resilience. We react rather than respond. We suffer from compassion fatigue.


When we don’t first care for ourselves, we are incapable of creating or embodying the shift in society and consciousness that we strongly desire and urgently need.

We are incapable of fully sharing our gifts with the world.



But we don’t have to live this way; it’s a choice.

We can choose a different reality for ourselves.

We can choose to nourish ourselves.

We can choose to become the Creator rather than the martyr.

We can choose to live as though these bodies are the vehicles for our Divinity.

These bodies are Sacred.

And because we are all connected, nourishing ourselves supports the entire collective. What we do individually supports not only us, but our families, our friends, our coworkers…everything and everyone we come in contact with.

And the ripple effect spreads farther and wider than our human minds can imagine.

In nourishing ourselves, we nourish all life.

What’s included with health coaching and how it works:

This is a three-month program that will introduce you to the power of nutrition, lifestyle, and mind-body connection to support you and help you provide the right circumstances for your body to return to ideal health and homeostasis. You’ll learn how to truly nourish yourself based on your own unique needs and circumstances. You will learn how to tune into what your body is telling you so you can give it what it needs.

  • 6- 50 minute coaching sessions (ideally every other week), provided via phone or virtual conference

  • Unlimited email support between sessions

  • Resources, recipes, tools, and tips to keep you inspired and motivated

  • Compassionate but firm accountability

  • Someone who understands that you are both human AND Divine

  • A special personal gift from me each month (United States only) OR an option to add healing sessions to your program


Karianne is an expert in nutrition and a wellness warrior, and has an incredible way of helping people remember the depths of their own magic and greatness.

~Nicola Behrman

The investment for this program is only …

$222 monthly.

In order to give you the best service, a consultation is required, which is included in the price of the package when you purchase.


+ Do you offer single health coaching sessions?

The only single session I offer is the consultation. I review in detail your health history and goals, and begin to formulate a plan for you. If you decide you don't want to go forward with the program for any reason, we part ways having only spent one session together. To learn more about my philosophy on single sessions, click here.

+ Do you offer payment plans?

Yes! I can set you up for recurring payments on your preferred day(s) of the month.

+ Can I join your program even if it's during the holiday season or if I have an upcoming vacation planned?

Yes! These times are an opportunity to learn to prioritize your health even during the "challenges," learning to establish and hold boundaries, and to have balance between what nourishes you physically and what nourishes you socially and in relationship.

+ Do you have any training or certifications in health coaching?

Yes! I am an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach with a certificate in plant-based nutrition from E-Cornell and the Center for Nutrition Studies.

+ Do you subscribe to any particular diet or way of eating?

Are you asking if I insist on my clients being vegan just because I am? No, I believe that each individual is completely unique and must find their own ideal way of nourishment. I don't enforce my personal preferences on my clients, however, if you love the carnivore way of eating, we may not be a good fit.

+ Do you provide meal plans?

I typically don't because I teach you to tune in to what your body is asking for rather than following someone else's plan, but I can add meal plans for an additional $70 per month. I also will give you tools and resources for lower cost meal plans or for making your own.


Still, have questions?

Schedule a free connection call.