Unity = Diversity

As we navigate these challenging times, let’s collectively celebrate the beauty that is all around us. Let us have gratitude for the blessings that we have in our lives. Let us have compassion and show kindness for those around us, especially those who are suffering, as many of us are to some degree.

In the coming days, weeks, months, and beyond, there will be many people who feel their voices are unheard, who feel their needs remain unmet, who feel their perspectives have been dismissed. It’s important to be kind and gentle with those people, to relate to the feeling of being marginalized. And to also remember that all perspectives are valuable, even if they vary wildly from your own. Cultivating a sense of curiosity can be very helpful when you are relating to people who appear to have a viewpoint that opposes your own. It is often fruitless to attempt to convince someone to adopt your way of thinking, and it is not necessary. Instead, listen to them with neutrality, as much as you are able. If they express curiosity about your beliefs, share them in a way that does not sound condemning to the opposing narrative. At the end of the day, align with what feels true for you, knowing that you are doing a great service by allowing others to do the same.

It sounds paradoxical, but the only way to experience unity is to allow for diversity. If we continue to give energy to division and hate, they will continue to grow.

Kindness, compassion, grace, forgiveness, and gratitude: these are the tools for these unprecedented times.

May you all see the Beauty that is within you and within each of us on this journey.

Love, Karianne



Transformation is a process